13 Kasım 2012 Salı


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“Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.” 
---- Mark Twain

Magic is the art o fstaging optical ullusions to entertain audiences. It be done on a small or large scale. I always think of magicians pulling rabbits out of top hats and card tricks. This could be a real fun hobby.
I always wanted to a real good card trick

Depending on your age you can think of some magician names you recognize. David Copperfield, Doug Henning  and the most common these days is David Blaine.

I do not keep on the current magicians.

I still love to wtch actor, Orson Wells cut in half his assistant, the stunningly beautiful Rita Hayworth.

Perhaps the most well known magician/illusionist is Erich Weisz--better known as Harry Houdini. He changed his name to Houdini to honor the first ,magician, Frenchman Jean-Eugene Robert Houdin

Mr Houdini is well known as the iconic escape artist. He has been talked about in books, and of course in film as Tony Curtis portrays this complex man in Houdini.

I am going to try to learn a coin or card trick. There is even the Society of American Magicians. I am going to start by reading a good Magic Book.

Until tomorrow...

Weekends are short for me, maybe I should stick to jigsaw puzzles this weekend !

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