19 Kasım 2012 Pazartesi


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" To make gains in this life we must venture forth to new places, contact new people, and chance new experiences."

This makes it all worth while . You have truly given it the best you can give. I love new places, new people and new experience. Yesterday was a new experience. We met Braco.  Words cannot express the feeling. Hundreds of people gathered at specific times of the day, to have him gaze upon the crowds. Rick and I have never experienced him . I met an author, Angelica  who has written about him in a book entitled " 21 Days with Braco" Read about him on www.braco.net

I was not fatigued after the encounter

There are many causes of fatigue, but the one most commonly seen in my practice is an under active thyroid also called hypothyroidism. It is often the culprit of low energy levels, hair loss, cold hands/feet and constipation. It can also account for depression.

As a cardiologist, I am interested in the hypothyroid patient. It has been studied that hypothyroidism is associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease. The reason is that hypothyroid patients have a higher cardiac C-reactive protein and homocysteine levels. These two are independent risk factors for heart disease.

Not every physician tests for all of the thyroid function. Some do TSH, total T4 , Total T3 and T3 uptake. Over the years I have found the following tests to be the most useful:
1. TSH ( thyroid stimulating hormone)
2. free T3
3. free T4
4. reverse T3 (rT3)
5. Thyroid antibodies ( TPO) and thyroglobulins

There are many factors that inhibit proper production of thyroid function including stress, environmental toxins as mercury and arsenic, celiac disease, and chronic infections as candadiasis and Epstein barr infections. There are also the goitrogenic foods

In order to balance the thyroid, there are other trace minerals that need to be balanced which are usually the culprit. Not all physicians look at these trace minerals as selenium, copper and zinc. The thyroid craves balanced levels of Vitamin D, iodine, tyrosine and Vitamin C.

In this last year I have seen a higher number of thyroid carcinomas. Of these 5 patients, all were females. There are some studies that have proposed that sex hormones play a role in the development of this type of cancer.

Get your thyroid checked. Balance your body

Until tomorrow...

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