7 Ekim 2012 Pazar


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" There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
                         Aldous Huxley

This time away has all about oneself- " ourselves'  We all can improve ourselves. FOR ONE dietary lifestyle is essential. The second is exercise lifestyle.  Rick and I are committed to a regularly scheduled exericse regimen. It cannot just be fit in it must be scheduled otherwise life gets in the way. The third is a set of meditation exercises which we have learned and practiced in Romania. We have learned exercises to strengthen our ligaments and help our stretching. We are slowly learning to clean our 'house' This might mean elimination of family and friends. We will do anything to stay away from negative energy and drams. We learned , if you cannot touch your toes --this is a problem. We have gained much spirituality in Romania- visiting different cities and towns, visiting different monasteries and churches and discovering caves with grotto's with holy water. We have prayed in every church we have visiting throughout this country.
We are improving ourselves ! What are you improving ?

Another herb which has anti-inflammatory properties is Filipendula ulmaria. Commonly known as Meadowsweet, it is a perennial herb in the family Rosaceae, which grows in damp meadows. It is native throughout most of Europe and western Asia though it has been introduced and naturalized in North America. Meadowsweet has also been referred to as Queen of the Meadow, Pride of the Meadow, Meadow-Wort, Meadow Queen, Lady of the Meadow, Dolloff, Meadosweet and Bridewort.  Since Meadowsweet has anti-inflammatory properties it can be used for both IBS and the two diseases, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis. These two diseases are known as Inflammaotry Bowel Disorders (IBD).

The other herb in GI tea from Longevity Nutritionals (www.longevitynutritionals.com) is Catnip.

Until tomorrow from Romania...

Until tomorrow....

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