2 Ekim 2012 Salı

Herpes Duration

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Do you know about - Herpes Duration

Herpes Men Symptoms! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

How Long Does it Last?

What I said. It isn't outcome that the real about Herpes Men Symptoms. You read this article for info on a person wish to know is Herpes Men Symptoms.

How is Herpes Duration

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Herpes Men Symptoms.

Genital herpes is a strain of the Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV2), similar to the virus that causes cold sores (HSV1). It is a sexually transmitted disease, and is most commonly contracted after sexual contact with someone who has a HSV2 infection. After contracting herpes, duration of the infection is for life. The virus lies dormant in the body of the sufferer, and will manifest itself in outbreaks when the sufferer encounters a trigger situation, such as stress or illness.

Duration of a herpes outbreak varies from person to person. The first outbreak of herpes is often the worst, with duration anywhere from two to four weeks. As the sufferer gets older, herpes duration is often reduced, but this could be a result of lower trigger factors such as experiencing less stress, getting more and better sleep.

Subsequent herpes outbreak duration is usually around 6 to 12 days. In the first couple of days of an outbreak, the sufferer may experience a rash or tenderness in the groin area, and also flu symptoms such as fever, headaches and sore or tired muscles. Then the sores will appear, which are usually coin sized blisters that appear on or around the genitals and anus. These blisters will burst and scab over during the next few days, before finally healing.

Genital herpes outbreaks can be extremely emotionally upsetting, and can lead sufferers to feel shame and embarrassment, as well as anxiety and depression. Although there is no cure for Genital herpes, there are many effective treatments that can reduce herpes duration and with regular use can stop outbreaks from occurring. Sufferers should remember that herpes is not the taboo disease it is made out to be. It is a nasty little virus and nothing more, and nothing to be ashamed about. With the right treatment herpes duration can be reduced and then stopped completely.

The first and best step you should take towards dealing with herpes is to see your doctor. With proper diagnosis, a treatment plan can be developed especially for you and your symptoms, and you will likely be prescribed anti-viral treatment, which is the frontline in defense against outbreaks and symptoms.

Adjusting your lifestyle can also help reduce herpes duration. Eating a healthy diet, exercising and reducing stress, as well as getting enough sleep at night have all been proven to reduce both the frequency of outbreaks and the healing time required to clear up a herpes outbreak.

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